国家发展部高级政务部长许宝琨:将新加坡农业发展到next level!|国会|陈慧玲|环境部|food|高标准农田



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    国家发展部高级政务部长许宝琨:将新加坡农业发展到next level!|国会|陈慧玲|环境部|food|高标准农田

    发布日期:2025-01-04 10:41    点击次数:128
    2024年5月8日,新加坡永续发展与环境部高级政务部长许宝琨医生在国会答复东海岸集选区议员陈慧玲小姐关于协助本地农业公司支持新加坡“30.30”粮食生产目标的相关问题。以下内容为新加坡眼根据国会英文资料翻译整理:议长先生:有请陈慧玲小姐。陈慧玲小姐(东海岸集选区议员):谢谢议长先生。我有一个补充问题要问高级政务部长。我理解高级政务部长提到的挑战和阻力,但现实不仅仅是能力建设和提供补贴。确实没有多少企业能够取得成功,或者有能力达到支持"30·30 "目标实现所需要的规模。因此,我向高级政务部长提出的问题是,是否会考虑采取不同的试验平台或模式,除了帮助企业创造需求外,还能证实一两家企业能够真正扩大规模?因为这些企业中并没有多少人知道如何端到端地完成这项工作。如果我们想成功实现我们的目标,我认为永续发展与环境部需要重新考虑使用不同的模式。许宝琨医生:议长先生,我感谢陈慧玲女士的提问。事实上,我们不会采取一刀切的方法,因为不同的模式可能适用于不同类型的合作伙伴关系。甚至食物生态系统也不是统一的。有的更多与我们菜市场的小摊贩合作,有的更多与餐馆合作,有的与餐饮业者合作,有的还与食品加工公司合作。因此,这种关系和伙伴关系可能是不同。但我同意陈慧玲小姐的观点,即有时小型农场参与者可能不具备所有技能和能力,无法扩大规模并将整合产业链,这就是为什么实际上有些农场主能够扩大规模,而不是通过获得自己的能力,因为这可能需要太长时间。那些想扩大规模的人有时会与合作伙伴合作,这些合作伙伴可以带来一个由现成的零售商和现成的买家组成的生态系统,这样,通过与合作伙伴合作,他们就可以获得资金和投资。然后,他们就能更快地扩大规模,并能找到承购商,因为合作伙伴很可能是零售领域或食品制造领域的某个人。举个例子,国华科艺农场(Kok Fah Technology Farm)建造并推出了绿丰(Green Harvest)温室农场,这是我们最大的温室农场之一,它使用移动沟渠系统,结合水培系统,使蔬菜种植更加高效。但随着他们从传统的陆地农场扩展到使用更多结构元素(如移动沟渠系统)的更大温室设施时,他们并没有独立完成这一点。他们与合作伙伴联宇建筑工程(TeamBuild Construction)合作,这是一家传统的建筑公司,能够更有效地建造他们所需的基础设施,并在设计阶段帮助他们将其中一些元素融入到农场的运营方式中。通过与这样一个合作伙伴合作,在某种程度上可以共同投资于这一新的运营方式,从而将他们将各自的优势结合在一起:一个是拥有农业专业知识和市场需求知识的合作伙伴;另一个是有能力建造一个更大的结构,并使其高效和扩大规模的合作伙伴。通过强强联合,他们成功地推出了绿丰( Green Harvest)。我祝愿他们一切顺利。我希望,在其他方面,无论是水产养殖还是农业,这种伙伴关系都能成为一种途径,让我们的农民能够超越自身目前的局限,找到规模化发展的新机遇。以下是英文质询内容:ASSISTANCE FOR LOCAL AGRICULTURAL FIRMS TO SUPPORT SINGAPORE'S "30 BY 30" LOCAL FOOD PRODUCTION GOAL(2)Mr Speaker: Miss Cheryl Chan.Miss Cheryl Chan Wei Ling (East Coast): Thank you, Mr Speaker. I have one supplementary question for the Senior Minister of State. I recognise the challenges and headwinds that the Senior Minister of State has mentioned, but the reality is beyond just capability building and the grants that are given. There are really not many businesses that have been successful, or able to do it at this large scale of is required to support the "30 by 30" goals.So, my question to the Senior Minister of State is, will the Ministry consider doing a different test bed or model, where you can substantiate one or two businesses that can really scale, beyond just helping them create a demand. Because not many of these businesses have an idea how exactly to do this end-to-end. And if we want to succeed in our goal, I think the Ministry needs to reconsider using a different model.Dr Koh Poh Koon: Sir, I thank Miss Chan for her question. Indeed, we do not take a one-size-fits-all approach to this because different models may work for different types of partnerships. Even the food ecosystem is not a uniform one. There are those that work more with the small-scale stallholders in our wet markets, there are those that work more with restaurants, some with food and beverage players, and some are also with food processing companies. Therefore, the kind of relationships and partnerships can be different.But I take Miss Chan's point that, sometimes, the small farm player may not have all the skillsets and the ability to scale and to stitch together the entire value chain, which is why actually some of the farmers managed to scale, not by acquiring their own abilities, which may take too long. Those who want to scale sometimes work with partners that can bring in an ecosystem of ready retailers and ready buyers, so that by working with the partners, they get funding and investments. They can then scale up much quicker and be able to find an off-taker because the partner could well be somebody in the retail space, for example, or in the food manufacturing space.Just as an example, Kok Fah Technology Farm built and launched Green Harvest, one of our largest greenhouses, which uses a mobile gully system that incorporates hydroponic systems to make the farming of vegetables much more efficient. But as they scale up from a traditional land-based farm into a larger greenhouse facility using more structural elements like the mobile-gully system, they did not do this on their own. They worked with a partner, TeamBuild Construction, which is a traditional construction company that was able to build the infrastructure that they needed more efficiently and helped them in the design phase of incorporating some of these elements into how their farm should operate. And by working with a partner like this, that, to some extent, could co-invest in this new operation, they then combined their strength together: one, with farming expertise and knowledge of the demands of the market; another one with the capability to build a larger structure and make it efficient and scale up. By combining their strength together, they managed to launch Green Harvest. I wish them well. I hope that such partnerships, in other aspects, whether it is in aquaculture or agriculture, can be a way that our farmers can surpass their own current limitations and find new opportunities to grow in scale.CF丨编辑HQ丨编审新加坡国会丨来源新加坡国会丨图源免责声明:1.凡本公众号注明文章类型为“原创”的所有作品,版权属于看南洋和新加坡眼所有。其他媒体、网站或个人转载使用时必须注明:“文章来源:新加坡眼”。2.凡本公众号注明文章类型为“转载”、“编译”的所有作品,均转载或编译自其他媒体,目的在于传递更多有价值资讯,并不代表本公众号赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。精选视频新加坡眼旗下视频号你关注了吗?点击下面视频,查看更丰富的内容!直播等你来看,点击下方预约起来!上新加坡眼官网搜索更多关于新加坡的资讯
